Ya conocida investigacion de Deep Learning para optimizar el juego Breakout:
(talento en video juegos)
Ya conocida investigacion de Deep Learning para optimizar el juego Breakout:
Documental The Witness, a pesar que dice que no hay Spoiler, si lo hay.
Buen material de los inicios del autor, y como ve el concepto de diseño de juegos.
Por fin supe para que sirve la mira (crosshair) de Gumball que se activa presionando la barra espacio.
En niveles superiores aparece una bomba en vez de un chicle y este se debe eliminar con esta mira antes de los 10 segundos dados o se termina el juego.
Our Chilean Atarowiec sent a very nice, diverse and segmented stage consisting of many chambers, and in each of us, a slightly different challenge awaits us. Moving rock blocks, a puzzle with a laser, a health path between the bushes, or the middle part of the stage in which the eternal battle of the elements of fire and water takes place. A great stage, but the competition sent more of them.
Laura Competition Edition: http://atarionline.pl/v01/index.php?ct=kazip&sub=L&title=+Laura+Competition+Edition#kaz_178f86d89457cf9c7fc2c9fc88322ce6
Juego de EA basado en el luego de la vida de Conway.
Hecho en Forth, y aplico algunas reglas para que el juego consista en dominio de territorio.
La version 5200 tiene un easter egg para poder jugar 4 jugadores.
Pero no se preocupen porque ya existe la version modificada para tal caso: https://manillismo.blogspot.com/2013/12/tennis-m4.html
• A prototype exists, dated 11-19-82, that shows the name as The Atari Open on the title screen (picture #1). There’s no player name entry, so there’s nothing next to the scores (picture #2). It also doesn’t have the secret 4-player mode described below.
• Animator Dave Joly felt the game might have been called Vic Braden’s Atari Tennis or Vic Braden’s Tennis at some point during its development.
• Secret 4-player mode! At the first game screen, press 0 on the keypad to put the game in doubles mode, and then press 4 for “Sean Special” mode (for programmer Sean W. Hennessy – picture #3). {John Hardie}
• This is the same as Atari Tennis for the 400/800, except Atari Tennis has a title/trophy screen (picture #4), and a copyright date of 1983 (instead of 1982), but it lacks the 5200 version’s hidden 4-player mode (although the text for the message is still in the code).
• The “RealSports” moniker was added to the packaging after the game was completed, which is why it’s not mentioned anywhere onscreen.
Otro programa de Analog con graficos 3D que en los 80s llamaba mucho la atencion.
Aparecio en Analog por Tom Hudson:
En el articulo aparece:
Who gets the credit?
To be honest, I can’t take all the credit for this program. I got it from a Compucolor II computer bulletin board several years ago; the author was not credited. I modified the program to work on the Atari computers, added the editing, screen clipping, plotter output and file handling.
Although the code has been heavily modified, the author may recognize the general structure, and is encouraged to let me know his or her name. I’ll be glad to give credit where it is due.
Seria interesante encontrar al autor ogirinal.
PD: http://www.compucolor.org/vmedia.html ?
CHIP #25 - notes directory try it 3D plotting package.
PD2: Analog magazine August 1986 has version of Solid States for ST.
https://atariage.com/forums/topic/303299-solid-states-3d-studio-precursor/ aca se encuentran atr con todos los modelos ademas de un PDF con los 3 articulos.
Nuevo juego de puzzle mezclado con fuerza g y fichas de ajedrez,
Juego original de Robert Alvarez: https://rob1221.itch.io/chessformer
Despues de mucho esperar (por el covid) por fin recibi la primera revista de Abbuc en formato fisico.
De muy buen nivel la revista. Ahora solo falta aprender aleman.
Existe un demake de 1942 con batari y que esta siendo mejorado.
Hasta el momento tiene un gran parecido al original como buen demake para una maquina con menos capacidad.
- looping (second button or select switch)
- POW: The light gray one is for the side fighters. Just avoid them
- https://highscore.firmaplus.de/index.php?game_id=49