RPG, COBOL, BASIC, FORTRAN, SNOBOL, PL1, PASCAL, ALGOL, ASSEMBLY, OS, JCL, USER.Es entretenido lo de los niveles que son los lenguajes... nunca me habia dado cuenta... cuando niño no los conocía y despues con la emulación no los consideré.
Más detalles: http://strategywiki.org/wiki/TRON/Walkthrough
PD: Tiene algo de efecto-mame este juego...
Detalles de los lenguajes sale en el info de Mame:
- ALGOL : Algorithmic Language. Influenced the development of more modern language (along with FORTRAN and LISP). Used for number crunching.
- ASSEMBLY : Machine language. Used to write code directly to the computer without having to compile or interpret it.
- BASIC : Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. Used primarily for teaching rudimentary programming.
- COBOL : Common Business Oriented Language. Used primarily for accounting. Very old language.
- FORTRAN : Formula Translator. Used for processing numbers and/or formulas.
- JCL : Job Control Language. Used on IBM mainframes to execute specific jobs and scripts on the Job Entry Subsystem.
- OS : Precursor language to OS2.
- PASCAL : Teaching language for compiled languages. Not very powerful.
- PL1 : A play on the actual language called PLI. Language used for solving mathematical problems.
- RPG : Report Program Generator. Use for generating reports. Usually used with COBOL.
- SNOBOL : Used for character string manipulation.
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