jueves, 2 de julio de 2020

S.A.M. inicios

Autor declara que se inspira en los experimentos de Bell sobre audio sinteizados de los kit educacionales:

1960's Bell Telephone Degraded Speech Synthesis Educational Tool Kit


Esta la cancion Daisy en el tercer track:

Track A1 is a greeting by the computer, and then a human voice explains how the machine is able to talk. Another example is provided by using the phrase "He Saw The Cat".
Track A2 is the machine quoting the famous Hamlet "To Be Or Not To Be" speech.
Track A3 is the machine singing "A Bicycle Built For Two" (Daisy); and ends by saying "Thanks For Listening".

Primer demo de Bell: https://archive.org/details/HeeSawDhuhKaet
estan los 3 tracks mencionados arriba.

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